Publications & Other Resources

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Ocean biogeochemistry modeled with emergent trait-based genomics by V. J. Coles, M. R. Stukel, M. T. Brooks, A. Burd, B. C. Crump, M. A. Moran, J. H. Paul, B. M. Satinsky, P. L. Yager, B. L. Zielinski, R. R. Hood, Science, Dec 1, 2017 :1149-1154

Conference/Meeting Materials

Marine Oil Snow Sedimentation and Flocculent Accumulation (MOSSFA) Workshop Proceedings, October 22-23, 2013. This workshop was facilitated by the Center for Spills in the Environment (CSE). CSE focuses on issues related to hydrocarbon spills. The Center is known for its independence and excellence in the areas of environmental engineering and marine science as they relate to spills. CSE has conducted numerous workshops bringing together researchers, practitioners and NGOs of diverse backgrounds to address issues in spill response, restoration and recovery.