Education & Outreach

aboutThe nature of the CSOMIO project presents many opportunities for engagement with teachers, graduate and undergraduate students, K12 students, policy makers, and the general public. The primary goals of the CSOMIO Education & Outreach efforts are to provide resources and research experiences for high school students, K-12 teachers, undergraduates, and graduate students; and to communicate to the general public, legislators, and other policy makers the importance of scientific research.

Outreach Initiatives

CSOMIO researchers are located in six locations: Florida State University (Tallahassee, FL), the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science(Cambridge, MD), Virginia Institute of Marine Science (Gloucester Point, VA), Texas A&M University (College Station, TX), and HR Wallingford (United Kingdom).

Community Outreach

SpeakerCSOMIO scientists regularly respond to and reach out to policy makers, members of the science community, educational community, as well as the general public. Researchers are available to give public lectures, participate in special "science cafe" forums, and community events. Please contact us if you would like to discuss an outreach event.

In the Classroom

CurriculumCSOMIO researchers and ocean science educators are available to make classroom presentations on  the research that is being conducted by the consortium to shed light on the long term effects of the 2010 oil spill. Visits can include an age-appropriate hands-on activity that allows the students to make connections with the concepts that are explored. Also, building upon the Gulf of Mexico Curriculum for High School Science published by the Deep-C Consortium, CSOMIO is developing a middle school curriculum.  Information about the new curriculum will be posted on this website in the future.